Thus Struck Zersetzung

This is a PITA. I hate talking about it for several reasons.

The first is obvious. One of the points of harassing people using strange methods and doing things that seem silly to others or that aren’t easily identifiable is to make the target seem crazy, mentally ill, delusional, etc. for discrediting purposes.

This will also tend to most likely end the target up on a crank list. That is, they’ll be ignored by law enforcement in the future if the harassers decide to step up the means and severity of the harassment, rendering you more vulnerable to their b.s.

Third involves the discussion of what must be classified technology or methods that intelligence services guard closely so as to disguise the tradecraft. By discussing it, you can wind up on yet someone else’s s-list, or at least I suspect so.

And fourth is very much like Brandolini’s law. Part of the problem with being harassed by spies in what I refer to as Stasi zersetzung methods is that it is tiring, exhausting to recover from. So is describing it in such a way someone who’s never experienced it and dealing with the various things listed above.

It’s work to survive it, and more work to expose it and describe it. It’s little wonder so many who have found themselves in such predicaments wind up giving up, becoming overly bitter and distrustful or committing suicide.

I mean imagine spending years learning every dirty secret you possibly can about an intelligence service just to beat it up until it tells you why this is happening. That’s…that’s something. *Ahem.*

Yet the fifth reason this is difficult is really kind of a funny one. Without fail…and it’s completely understandable from a non-initiate perspective.

Without fail, a thinking person will ask you, the effing victim, the subject of the harassment, HOW the alleged perpetrators are doing what they are doing. The real answer, the correct, true and accurate answer is, “How the **** should I know? They didn’t tell me. That’s not the point of it.”

Of course it’s reasonable, though the target of this stuff is NOT in a reasonable position, to wonder whether the person telling the tale believes in things that violate the laws of physics for example. Even though a large percentage of people absolutely believe in things that violate the laws of physics. We call it religion and because it’s organized it’s acceptable.

So what is it? It’s a whole suite of things that, like hacking electronics, utilizes all sorts of tools and methods including some very mundane things that when combined with other things not so mundane start to SEEM like magic, but of course is not magic.

On top of all of that, obviously over a decade of one form of this effing nonsense or another has taken a toll on my psyche. I’m not disagreeing that I am capable at times of misinterpreting an event.

But what I am saying is that I KNOW this is nonetheless happening and that I have considered carefully the alternatives (that I’m hallucinating and delusional for example) and to the best of my ability I am saying that’s not the case.

We can delve into the fact that mental health professionals, whom I respect and agree are capable of helping people and strive generally to do a good job (when they aren’t far right wing religious radicals trying to create a new Holy War and after that undermine and help destroy the United States with the scandal they used to try to start it). They, mental healthcare professionals, aren’t generally equipped to determine who is being harassed and who isn’t, any more than the lay person target can try to determine precisely HOW they are being harassed. The presumption is it’s always false because…why?

First of all, we all assume @FBI protects us from the kinds of people who would do these things. For whatever reason, this just isn’t so. They may, likely do, investigate these things, like Truman’s Syndrome for example, but they sure a f do not share with the public what they found.

Why? Because it’s Republicans. Pretty simple. Except it’s a side issue, partly related to my issues with @Comey (I mean apart from SVRR running the NYO under his and, to be fair, Mueller’s noses).

I’m gonna put it this way. It’s not entirely fair, but we’re talking generalities because we don’t have specifics to talk about. Those of us who are not…I don’t know…marines or who haven’t been through Quantico training, or don’t like to spend our free time singing about how the eagle soars, etc., kind of view such people as sticks-in-the-mud, or party poopers or overly rigid. It’s not as if we don’t also appreciate these qualities at the right time and in proportionate quantities.

But the iron rod up the spine and whatever.

Take that. Add some additional fears and still more resulting rigidity and you’re now talking goosestepping and Nazi salutes. I’m saying that conservatism taken to the extreme, and this should now be obvious to everyone, winds up at Nazism, white supremacy, essentially CONTROL of what they view as out of control, chaotic, lacking that rigidity that makes them feel warm inside.

And so I’m saying that, partially from experience, partially from just reading the news and noting people like Jared L. Wise and Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Bernard Kerik and so forth, it’s not difficult to make the leap—or short putt—from public servant to oppressor. Maybe many @FBI agents think Medicare for All is Stalinism and therefore of the Devil and anyone uttering such a thing is as bad as Jack Teixeira.

I don’t know. What I do know is that spies and/or political operatives are harassing people in order to fulfill the agendas of others. Those agendas are malevolent overall. Therefore it should be in DoJ’s / FBI’s best interests to stop it, put a feather in their caps, restore the faith of the American people in their ability and dedication to protecting them…. But for some reason it isn’t working out this way.

Too many Nazis? Too many not yet getting that some portion of everything that’s happened since the 1980s probably is related to Russian active measures and other espionage activities designed to topple the US government? Too many lies in the system?

I don’t know.

That’s a really long preamble. 

For those who are stuck at HOW. There’s ELF and EHF. There’s the Frey effect. There’s the Russian acoustic psycho-correction (aka subliminal audio). There’s bone conduction. There’s silent sound. There’s the possibility that some subliminal messages are actually delivered visually and, like the Frey effect, can be delivered directly to the unconscious mind without the conscious mind being even aware it occurred using I would assume lasers. There’s also ultrasound, see the 2004 or so SONY patent for a gaming system that beams sensory data straight into your brain. 

ADDITION 5/20/2023: “Silent sound” via some kind of modified LRAD is another. Bone conduction in conjunction with below hearing vibrations is still another. There’s a strong likelihood in my opinion that multiple methods are used to avoid detection and overcome specific countermeasures, and that some of the perceived activity is actually the result of what amounts to hypnotic or subliminal suggestions designed to make it seem as if someone is talking to the target remotely in real time. This last is important. It’s not the randomness of schizophrenia for example. It’s a directed sort of “madness,” designed to result in particular outcomes combined with controlling what the subject sees and reads so as to create a false reality. That aspect is how online radicalization works, and is what the FBIANON Israeli contractor bragged it was able to do. The difference is it’s not from the subject reading disinformation online and it’s aimed at a single person instead of groups of people.

Don’t know. Not really my job to figure it out. Would be funnier than shit if I were able to actually catch whomever is doing it when they were doing it, but the point here is distance because the point is to be able to harass from afar and be safe from reprisals.

(So that we’re very clear, this is why my reaction is to criticize, whether it’s to remind everyone that Giuliani was a Russian spy/agent provocateur right under their noses and so quickly sought to use 9/11 to become Senator / POTUS that one has to wonder if the only way they could have used AQ so quickly after 9/11 was because they were using AQ BEFORE 9/11; or how Rupert Murdoch is seeking the topple the US government by creating false narratives designed to make people do shit like Jan 6. I can’t reach those who are actually doing it, they clearly want Putin to destroy the US, they want to drag “the Left” down to their Adolph Shitler-y level, so this is my alternative method of making them pay a price for it anyway).

Overall, it’s annoying. You don’t know (I kind of do, but I have to spend time thinking about it and trying to decide which it is) if something that happens is coincidental or the actions of the opposition. You don’t have a HQ to phone, intelligence assessments to read, coworkers to depend on, etc. You are on your own and as a lay person have a heavy task ahead of you untangling it all.

So, you feel a certain way…you don’t know if it’s natural, due to some change (pharma, dietary, etc.) or due to having been zapped by a microwave NLW or having been surreptitiously slipped some kind of, for example, hormone disrupting drug that makes you all wonky in the head.

Same with bad luck. Flat tire. Mistake at work. Damaged property. Etc.

And sleep deprivation vs insomnia. How is a mental health professional or a doctor able to properly assess whether or not you’ve actually been a victim of some Havana syndromelike thing, or something else?

By the way, law enforcement is also really kind of not up to the task. The entire basic point of CIA training (any spy agency training) for example is to evade the police from other countries. To operate under their notice. To make them think they saw something else, something other than they actually did.

Again, it was spying 101 for MKULTRA to seek out ways to convince people that they had ailments that they did not. One has to read between the lines there, but the assumption is that that was for people @CIA deemed Communists or infiltrators or similar. I’m not saying the presence of such methods automatically means it’s CIA. Those methods are now quite old and we all know for example that Cofer Black worked for the Romney campaign and that his reputation was that of one of the most brutal CIA officers in the Company’s history. Training political operatives (like Jared L. Wise), which was certainly part of the reason why Erik Prince wanted to become a CIA officer, to learn its secrets and then turn them against the US—and by the way that was likely also why CIA refused to allow him to undergo that process.

The fear and worry itself is a lowering of quality of life. Having to avoid certain conversations with family and friends likewise takes a toll.

I can of course go on and on about what they may hope to achieve but that also really is just supposition to an extent. As I explained with regards to the Clinton event we attended and the coconut story, and the nature of things my Brooklyn neighborhood at the time, that was clearly designed to make me think it was all her fault. This is important because people like Kevin Shipp and Alex Jones and for that matter Donald Trump all say that everything is her fault.

Do you see what I’m saying? I know generally that it is GOP, even if for example it’s via some foreign based contractor, such as those Erik Prince introduced to the Trump campaign and then created the fake FBIANON persona that sort of served as a precursor to Mike Flynn’s QANON (as opposed to those clowns who took it over later).

But knowing this and being able to prove it are two different things.

Anyway, besides the annoying shit mentioned above, there’s the waking up and having your head full of neonazi and white supremacist ideas.

Let me pause here and suppose to know that the point here is to try to make it seem as though “the Libs” are “controlling” the Proud Boys, the Jan 6 whackos, or whomever. That’s one of the many outcomes they want here. They want to, as they’ve suggested each and every time a white supremacist or other Republican commits a crime, that they are actually Liberals pretending to be the kinds of RW PoS they clearly are or are being controlled by them to behave badly.

First, one need merely note that the Republican Party does not care at all about the health and well-being of its own constituency. This has been made clear over and over again, from COVID, to lack of preparation re the Texas power grid, to healthcare and lack of empathy when there are economic burdens. So if anyone is “controlling” neonazis and white supremacists, it’s them or their pals from Russia (long story again, but occasionally the USSR made leaps ahead in certain areas of technology even though overall they couldn’t produce televisions that didn’t break down immediately one out of three or higher right out of the factory). Or the contractors connected to Netanyahu who also wants to overthrow the US government. And one assumes that’s why DeSantis visits him and then changes the law so Florida tax payers can’t see that they paid for the trips.

But that’s just one outcome. It’s a shotgun kind of thing. Make them seem crazy. Provoke a violent reaction. Claim the Left is as violent as the Right. Intimidate non-radicalized politicians. Ultimately overthrow the government in order to install a dictator who is friendly to Putin who is also a sort of Nazi (the very first thing anyone with a knowledge of history even as bad as mine should pick up from Duginism is that it’s basically Hitleresque but re-written to wrangle the Russian and Slavic nations into a sort of nationalistic, racial and ethnic pecking order to take on the rest of the planet.

It’s really effing *strange* (ok not really) how the Gray Zone fails to mention also that Dugin started the Russian Nazi party in the 1990s and how Putin is dependent on him to the point he’s been called Putin’s Brain.

Anyway. Really sick of it. Should not be happening in the US. Again, the open society question means sometimes people can get away with stuff. Then there’s that knotty question of where one’s political beliefs end and aiding and abetting a hostile foreign power begins. I get it, but it literally isn’t helping me sleep at night.

So besides the spending my mornings rejecting NN thoughts that someone inserted in there while I was trying to sleep, similarly there’s “bad advice central” I guess I’d call it. I have to consciously tell my unconscious mind as it pushes forward bad ideas that those are bad ideas and to stop.

Again, I’ve been over and over alternative explanations for this. I’ve seen too much—though I am always reassessing HOW and exactly WHAT I may have seen—to ever believe it’s not possible. I know it’s possible. It is of course harder to determine exactly what’s what, who has what capabilities, due to secrecy.

Of course we don’t want everyone running around trying to “mind control” their neighbors or the attractive person at work or whatever. Secrecy has a purpose and I get that as well. But this other crap has to stop somehow, some day, some way. Sooner is better, though I am obviously biased.

Other things to note, as I’ve done on Twitter from time to time is that, there for a while, I’d raise a lot of heck about whatever was happening and it would stop, usually for either three or six days. Does that sound like any mental illness anyone is aware of? Sounds to me more like some kind of surveillance duration. My next question, if that is true, is how do the bad guys know how long surveillance is in place?

Thanks for reading.


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