
Showing posts from February, 2021

No Rush

Just a quick note on that phrase and another brief anecdote from what I like to refer to as “the Island,” a The Prisoner reference, that baseline humans call Minneapolis. First was early on when the Cold War got hot, late December 2009 or early January 2010, woman demanding I let her into the apartment building that we shared with a Booz Allen Hamilton employee, “No rush,” as I let her in carrying a box of files. There were several more incidents that evening as I recall. Looked like young trainees being instructed by someone more experienced to me, whom I assume to be the man I came to refer to as ‘Balding.’ * Next was Minneapolis, Heath. Passed out drunk and talking in his sleep, “They wanted me to spy on Al Gore but I refused.” He had at one time been on the fast track for some Ivy League shit, but alcoholism wrecked all that. Of course now you have to wonder where and how the alcoholism came about. But soon after that, “Rush Limbaugh is outside and wants to talk.” What he didn’t k

Exodus The Investigation

There's a new HBOMax piecemeal crime drama called in English The Investigation . It's loosely--I assume loosely since they changed the names--based on what the Danes call 'The Submarine Case.' That may ring a bell for some. 2017. Investigative reporter goes to interview Danish entrepreneur on his private mini-sub and doesn't come home. Slowly, the surviving entrepreneur's various lies fray apart as her body parts start showing up on shore. He downloaded asphyxiation and decapitation videos from the Internet prior to the incident. He was known to go to fetish parties. Kim Wall, the reporter, was about to move to Beijing when he, Peter Madsen, suddenly decides to do that interview the day before. She agrees. She isn't seen again. She wrote about how the Marshall Islands are practically underwater already and how they were used for US nuclear weapons testing for a German paper and won an award for the series, 'Exodus'. Quite the coincidence, isn't