
Showing posts from August, 2021

Ten Things America Believes That Are Wrong, Barbaric, And Self-Defeating - PART 1

Note. Was working on 10 but ran out of time yesterday. What are the other five? No idea; I’m making this up as I go along. It is in places combative. This is for several reasons, not the least of which begging gets us absolutely nowhere. The problem conversely with combativeness is that people tend to dig in deeper to their bad positions rather than consider what you’re saying due to feeling defensive. Can’t be helped. I mean this is survival for me, I have to do this. But because of all the circumstances surrounding it, I cannot lay claim to doing it well. Sorry, we go to war with the army we have, not the one we wish for. Finally, this needs citations and probably some correction. See again working with what I got. — 1 - THE WEALTH GAP DOESN’T MATTER - Wrong and Self-Defeating. The middle class was what made the country stable and, no surprise really, the fact that the gap is so much wider now is making the     seams that keep society together stretch and pop. We blame each other lik

Better Understand Brainhacking

So this is the stuff people are probably more interested in reading about. It is also less prevalent than the results of mass PSYOP combined with datamining resulting in things like Trump and Brexit, but I get it’s more exciting to read about “forbidden” knowledge that’s the next level beyond the Power of False Advertising. And of course I am merely guessing. Why, for example, did I put the wrong address on a package and then flip the f*** out when I was told it was delivered but was not where it should be? Could be I did that, but I think that either or both of the following is true: Had it not been for the years in length tapdance that US intelligence did on my skull, that wouldn’t have happened. Entirely possible that the whole thing was blissful normal FUBAR and nothing more. Except for the reaction and the error in the first place. Truth is, I rarely remember my address because it’s on my driver’s license and in my phone some place, so why bother memorizing it? We have a lot of nu

Nobody Wins

"If I Die 'Cause I Gambled On Love, It Will Be A Worthy Death."  — So follow this if you can and then try to make sense of it. The fact that that in itself is so difficult is because nowhere in the world is public relations as good than the United States of Oligarchy. You cannot be expected to get what’s happening because you are being fed so much bullshit on a daily basis that you just can’t, no matter how hard you tried, figure out what’s really happening and why. This is the main reason why stuff like this, 0.1% paid shills, CiA plants, write crap like this and they are 110% wrong. People cannot be blamed for making bad decisions based on shitty information. And the 0.1%, the CIA, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Mainstream Media, Social Media, and the brains behind it all, the Council on Foreign Relations, all want you stupid so you don’t see how you’re being robbed, so you go along with policies that enrich and empower people who already have so much of both that it has

Scientific Method As Decider On Covert Action Including True and False Conspiracy

Or, “Why Didn’t Dennis Hastert Die In A Plane Crash?” Here’s the Scientific Method for dummies. Let’s being with what it does not say: FOX News , Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or some other old white guy says something designed to make you act against your own self-interests because it is propaganda paid for by billionaires \/ Believe It \/ Repeat Step 1 \/ Become radicalized and believe it harder Or God said it {and what fits this definition, especially among the prosperity cults, the Dominionists, varies widely} \/ Everything else is stupid because it lacks this simplicity and authority level, look how “complicated” the scientific method is and how it is never definitive This last is really what’s at issue. We believe in a Newtonian world, though only barely even that, when it is only observably so, even though this universe includes quantum physics we cannot see as well. And our insistence on consistency and “truth” is just insecurity preventing is from seeing how frighteni