
Showing posts from March, 2020

Russia, Russia, Marsha

Author's General Note: In keeping with my no-nonsense policy regarding predictions, I note that my posts explaining how and why you should believe that the US intelligence community's overarching plan for climate change is global fascism and genocide, I note that I began the five-part series in the first few days of February and ended part five in the first few days of March. While this may not seem like a big deal, coronavirus was not the big news it is now back then. But it wasn't secret either. -- "If CIA told all of you to jump off that cliff behind me... Hey... Where'd everyone go?" -- "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --Director of CIA William Casey, February 1981 -- As I've noted before , Marcy Wheeler, who goes by the blog and Twitter handle Emptywheel, had someone write for her blog who she believes to be Guccifer 2. Guccifer 2 is the handle US intel

You Got Jack and Chick

...and Chick left town...actually this spiritual realm. At the age of 92. Try to figure some dude who you think was schizophrenic and crazy as a bedbug living that long. Hell, I believed the conspiracy theories that, like with L. Ron Hubbard, stated he was long dead and being ghostwritten. --- {Originally posted Thu, 20 Jun 2019 23:52:53}. Before there was Alex Jones, even before there was CIA's unofficial disinformation arm CIN and euphemistically named AIM-Accuracy In Media {not to be confused with American Indian Movement which they called a terrorist organization and the American Identity Movement that CIA probably funds and trains cuz white power} there was Jack Chick. Chick was former Army, worked for a contractor who made tape recorders and sonic equipment for the US government and liked what he heard from a Voice of America propagandist preacher named Bob Hammond per his bio on the publishing company's website. Generally speaking, Chick Publication's stuff

And the Statist of These Is...

"Unsavory and vicious tactics have been employed--including anonymous attempts to break up marriages..." -- Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans , the Church/Tower Commission, Book II, regarding FBI's COINTELPRO, CIA's MHCHAOS, and NSA's surveillance support of both But it's too late to say you're sorry, How would I know? Why should I care? -- The subject contains a lot more sub-subjects than one might think. How and what effect does and can behavioral modification have on relationships, emotions, love? It is also in so very many ways difficult to talk about. Most if not all of you will never understand how, for example, merely writing about this makes the author far more vulnerable to future psychological operations designed primarily at this point to drive him to some form of suicide. The would-be fear involved; the inevitable, because there are n

Why I Don’t Believe in Psychics

Arthur C. Clarke’s Three “Laws”: 1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. 2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. 3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. — On 22 August 2011, I was on my way back to my apartment in Minneapolis from an appointment with my therapist. I had, some weeks prior, decided... {or so I thought; once you know without a doubt that something akin to acoustic psycho-correction and V2K exist and more or less work to an extent, you have to question your own decisions as actually being your own; this is only further complicated by neuroscience telling us we aren’t making decisions the way we think we do in the first place}. Anyway, “I” had decided to see a therapist because I knew at least the majority of what I

Think of the Children

Originally posted: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 00:47:29 +0000. Edited/corrected slightly for clarity and change in viewpoints. First, a little reminder. The Worldwide Association of Specialty Schools, run by George H.W. "Where was he in '63?" Bush and Willard Mitt Romney bagman Robert Lichfield was investigated and shut down in places all over the US and indeed in the hemisphere: Reason , "Romney, Torture, and Teens," Mala Svalavitz, 27 June 2007: As The Hill noted last week, 133 plaintiffs filed a civil suit against Romney's Utah finance co-chair, Robert Lichfield, and his various business entities involved in residential treatment programs for adolescents. The umbrella group for his organization is the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS, sometimes known as WWASP) and Lichfield is its founder and is on its bo

Exploitation of Population

To keep this simple, I’m going to start with the punchline: How many people can the Earth support? Spoilers: 10 Billion. But doesn’t seem that way, does it? Here was one of the creepiest things I experienced while in Minneapolis and let me assure you that there were a lot of creepy things I experienced and witnessed there. This one was among the worst because of the implications. I had been following a lead, so to speak. In many ways it was put together in the ridiculous way that Batman and Robin in the old TV show put things together. This was 2010 and at the point where most likely I was being surreptitiously drugged the most, CIA just keeping me away from NYC in what was a virtual prison out in the open just long enough for my longterm relationship to be dead on a permanent basis. But even though I was vaguely aware this was a wild goose chase, I had to know. It was almost 24 hours on foot. Over 18 miles

The Outsider

It was 1983 I think. Started college at University of Tennessee at Martin. It was on the quarters, as opposed to the semesters, system. I was majoring in Criminal Justice at the time. One of my professors was a retired FBI Special Agent. I lived at the very end of the dorm building on the ground floor, next to the fire escape. That came in handy when someone pulled the fire alarm around 5 am after I and friends had returned quite inebriated after seeing The Police in Memphis. Got to get up and throw up outside instead of watching the ceiling spin round and round. Anyway, most of the people I went to high school with who were also at Martin were on the second floor near the center of the building and where the hallways split off into, I think, three directions. It was there I visited one night. There was a suite of two double rooms. One room contained one guy I went to high school with and a guy from a nearby county similar in size to ours, and the other contained the same. Next d

A Little Shock and Awe {Updated}

Before I go into the real subject of this post, that is my view of religion, I want to mention something else. Clooney on the set of the film Syriana . That year, 2004 I guess, was a string of extreme bad luck for him. Both of his dogs died. He suffered injuries that included his shooting spinal fluid out of his nose. This was so painful in fact, he contemplated suicide. It’s one of the dogs I wanted to focus on here, however. Here is CIA’s Admiral Stansfield Turner discussing the various MKUKTRA subprojects. He sort of lumps what is one of the most important ones in with a bunch of other stuff that probably is not. From: Clooney was out with his dog in a desert area. The dog found a rattlesnake and was bitten by it. In some accounts, Clooney says he used a stick to kill the snake and that that was the last thing his dog saw; in others, it was a baseball bat . Moving on. It was 1987 I think. Anot

Part 5 - Postscript {Updated}

It’s recently confirmed that the Bolivian election that resulted in the removal and arrest of its President did not contain the illegalities that were claimed at the time. This means it was another CIA coup. The capacity for Americans to care when they think Russians caused Hillary “The Fellowship Cult” Clinton to lose and yet not care when we do it to other countries explains fairly well that Democrats have a lot more in common with Republicans than they want to admit. Update: Need to mention of course that the standard line in Bolivia is that CIA wanted a better deal on the uranium that was recently discovered. I’m not accusing them of not having cover stories to tell their own people and people like me. I’m saying that that and installing the neo-Nazi government in Ukraine—the ambassador said to prevent Russia re-rising as a superpower, doesn’t hold water in the context of ALL the countries in which this is being done. I’m saying, call it what you like, 3D chess says there’s pote