
Showing posts from March, 2021

Theory of Everything

Or—“In Defense of ‘Conspiracy Theories.’” To ease into this, I want to point to this. Not to pick on the Country music genre. Because this happens in pretty much every branch of media. {We could argue it isn’t true at all, but let’s for now assume it is. Because it kind of is.} Now let’s break it down. Sure, it’s a different time. Sorta. Kinda. The Vietnam era called into question authority on all levels and so that helped, I assume, prevent Johnny Cash from experiencing a similar doom as MLK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton. Being white also probably helped. So a sign of the times, you say? Ok. Kind of. What else is happening? Corporate control of country music is going to try to leverage reaching larger audiences and that means “safe,” status quo artistry is going to be promoted over today’s Johnny Trash-talking-whoever with his f*** the {confirmed: infiltrated by far RW domestic terror groups and also historically part of a system that was designed to catch escaped slaves; it hasn’t gotten