
Showing posts from January, 2021

Five MORE Things You Didn’t Know Or Understand About CIA

Five MORE Things You Didn’t Know Or Understand About CIA 1-CIA did what it called “Negro attitudes studies” under MKULTRA to better understand black male psychology. 2-CIA did voter decision studies to determine how to sway votes which laid the groundwork for Cambridge Analytica’s and Facebook’s election of Donald J. Trump. 3-CIA set up a black male officer who had lodged a racial discrimination complaint putting him in prison. CIA did not provide the same level of cover and support to black officers as it does white officers. 4-CIA drugged and forced a black female officer into their mental institution who had lodged a racial discrimination complaint and had resigned intending to go to DIA. CIA does not provide the same opportunities and challenges to black officers as it does white officers. 5-CIA used prisoners for drug experiments and shortened criminal sentences for those who volunteered. James “Whitey” Bulger was one such person. When he was finally caught and prosecuted, he trie

The Capitol Mess

Words you need to know the meaning of:  Think Tank.  White Paper.  Psychological operation AKA PSYOP.  Link to the latter at bottom re latter being “legalized” domestically since the Obama administration in the wake of 9/11 and the global war on CIA’s terror. It’s been renewed every year since. The man who originally reported it is dead, his car having run into a tree at 30 or so MPH and exploded three times. While I appreciate the need to vent at the GOP and Trump, and do so myself on many an occasion, there is something that stinks really, really badly about all of this. First, look at just how much of what happened was viewable. An incredible amount. Like planes running into buildings, the image of whatshisname will forever be associated with this. Second, there is no doubt whatsoever that these people have been PSYOP’d. Intelligence contractors and the long list of people I’ve mentioned over and over again have for almost a hundred years browbeat Americans into believing things tha

Five Things You Didn’t Know or Didn’t Understand About CIA

This will be an ongoing series because there are still way too many people who either don’t really understand what it is, what it does, and for whom. Mostly this is due to believing that the Company is The Avengers when it is actually HYDRA. Propaganda: They control a lot of it. Five Things You Didn’t Know or Didn’t Understand About CIA 1. CIA did experiments in Canada designed to turn a feminist into an obedient housewife. 2. CIA did experiments in the US—Tucson and New Mexico mostly—about how to use underaged girls to blackmail adult men. This clearly is what lead to Jeffrey Epstein. You can see two of the survivors speaking to Congress about their experiences in 1995 on YouTube because CIA also broke their bones in order to get funding from an x-ray research program. Note that a third person testifying explained that she and her fellow psychoanalysts have seen dozens such woman making similar claims. CIA is best understood as the secret police for the 0.1%. Their job as they saw it