
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Exegesis of Come The F*** Off It

It’s the Apocalypse. Let’s have some fun. The first thing people must know is that I knew NONE of this in 2009 and early 2010. None at all. I’d seen Bladerunner , Screamers , and the Schwarzenegger   Total Recall . I knew nothing of PKD’s drug life, back and forth on fascism and socialism, nor especially his mysterious honeypot who I am reasonably certain was FBI. None of that, just like I knew nothing of the completely awful bad luck that antiwar activist George Clooney endured the year he made Syriana . I tended to focus on work and thought it kind of in bad taste to dwell on personal lives. Obviously sometimes those things collide. This list will likely not be exhaustive. Mind control. G-neural was brought up by my best friend, who mentioned Dick, though again I probably hadn’t even seen his picture so him and anyone not Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov, or Watts I couldn’t pick out of a lineup anyway, February of 2010 . It was a name, but just a tag. And I had a lot of distraction and bein

Private Dicks

2021 Note: Sometimes I forget just how far back I was looking at stuff. 2015. Originally posted, Fri, 14 Aug 2015 20:44:22 +0000 Is there a rise in the number of deaths at the hands of police, especially of unarmed "suspects"? I'm using this last term loosely since in a few cases there doesn't even seem to be have been probable cause for stop and search. We don't know the answer because reporting has historically been so bad that there is no way to confirm it one way or the other. It is quite possible that this is what has been going on forever and we just didn't know because of a horrible mainstream media and the assumption on the parts of many that a cop's word is better than an alleged criminal's. But it does at least seem, feel, appear as though there is a rise? Yes. Why? It's now getting a lot of press coverage. Jeb Bush, when ambushed by Black Lives Matter protestors yesterday, said that "People don't trust some institutions th

Posterity Sounds A Little Like Posterior

Here are several things pulled together for future reference. An open Twitter thread letter to Hillary Clinton--who I accuse of protecting the people who denied her Presidency, of protecting Wall Street billionaires and CIA over everyone else--but not of ordering children from a Pizza parlor. That last is billionaires again trying to overthrow the government. And Clinton, Biden, and the Republicans as well, all are busy protecting them from what should instead be a new War on Terror versus billionaires. This is because most everyone is afraid of CIA, who loves oligarchy as it does murder and torture. -- The Clinton Letter What started this, though this is hardly the first time she's said this crap. Dr. Kaye is by the way a therapist interested in torture, behavioral modification, disease as weapons, etc. He has co-written articles with the late H.P. Albarelli who wrote a book about how CIA murdered one of their own, Frank Olson, for growing a conscience. Jeffrey Kaye: Hillary

Return of the Black Boot Diaries [Updated]

Begin 9 July 2021 Update Since this was posted the video of #Epstein related Congressional testimony from 1995 link at bottom disappeared. I now have a newer one, better in fact, and could be that there are copies floating all over the Webverse. Way to go, Mister… End Update apart from new link at bottom of post. Yesterday I mocked CIA and reminded it that, among other things, it lies to its own people. Standard wisdom of course, due to fictional accounts of what it does designed to fill in the gaps that secrecy provides, to encourage recruitment, and to disguise what it really is, is that this is to protect secrets. They want you to think national security, but it’s actually motive and illegality they are hiding. The whole reason we know about MKOFTEN—CIA’s database of pharmaceutical side effects—was that it made inclusion in the Family Jewels. The Family Jewels was a series of documents sent to the Director of CIA, at that time Schlesinger, who asked for anything that any officers t

Covert Clone Wars

Not really intended to be an insult. But we’re way past two, so ‘Janus,’ reference to the two-faced god, doesn’t really work. Before I launch into the reasons I invited so many people here, I want to touch on a few things, maybe clarify a few. These don’t have much at all to do with the main point, not directly, but they’ve been on my mind and two or three birds, one stone. There’s this woman who has harassed whistleblowers and whistleblower advocates including attorneys for same. It has been intimated to me in passing that some of my friends believe she may be a foreign intelligence apparatus asset. Could be true. You see, I’m biased. I’m biased for the reasons I’ve laid out time and time again, here and elsewhere. I know without a doubt that our own, the US’ intelligence community, is quite capable of treating American citizens the same way we would expect—having been propagandized by the same people for the same general reason: They are the 0.1% Secret Police—a foreign intelligence

Swapping Spit

Note: It may appear to some or some corrupt institution that researched how to blackmail people just like Jeffrey Epstein did might try to misconstrue my points here; someone might think or they might imply that I am trivializing violence and rape. This is always a risk one takes when discussing such a film. The point is that it is about as triggering as things get, rape, torture and gruesome murder and how that may beget more of the same if we don’t calm down. Of course I also hold out the possibility that we should not calm down. But if so, we need to have the correct, responsible parties in our view. This is maybe one of those things where if I had more time and the world weren’t ending for good or ill, I might be interesting to pursue as a leisurely scholarly thing. I’ve mentioned Tubi a few times. From Italy’s Mark Gregory to Russia’s Vasily Steponov, the entirety of Ultraman and spin-offs, and so many SyFy and independent scifi and horror flicks, I’m basically hooked. But thi