
Showing posts from June, 2020

Another Op Bites the Dust

So I should probably wait on this, or just not do it at all, for a lot of reasons. Stuff changes, it’s a little personal, and there’s something not quite right about my conclusions I think. Hell, it was/is in a way so subtle as to be perhaps not an op of any kind at all. Except it probably was. Maybe the point was to see if it could fool someone who knows there is a very real form or forms of mind control. See if they could subtle it up enough to be confusing. Going to guess it’s something else, that it involves third parties somehow, and without knowing who those third parties are and what they are doing, I can’t really solve it. Let me preface this by stating objectively that I am, in some respects, a catch. Of course it depends on what someone wants, compatibility, etc, But if loyalty ranks high, sure. Of course most people don’t bother to find out about that. Many of us, me included, begin with the physical. We, I, sometimes put up with crap we probably would not otherwise