
Showing posts from May, 2023

Thus Struck Zersetzung

This is a PITA. I hate talking about it for several reasons. The first is obvious. One of the points of harassing people using strange methods and doing things that seem silly to others or that aren’t easily identifiable is to make the target seem crazy, mentally ill, delusional, etc. for discrediting purposes. This will also tend to most likely end the target up on a crank list. That is, they’ll be ignored by law enforcement in the future if the harassers decide to step up the means and severity of the harassment, rendering you more vulnerable to their b.s. Third involves the discussion of what must be classified technology or methods that intelligence services guard closely so as to disguise the tradecraft. By discussing it, you can wind up on yet someone else’s s-list, or at least I suspect so. And fourth is very much like Brandolini’s law. Part of the problem with being harassed by spies in what I refer to as Stasi zersetzung methods is that it is tiring, exhausting to recover from