
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Fourth Man Review

‘Reaction’ is probably a better word than review. I get a little preachy below, go figure. good intentions /gud in-ten-shuns/ - Action with the desire to make things better; what the road to Hell is paved with. -- Finished Robert Baer's new book, The Fourth Man , about a decades' long hunt for a probable Russian mole inside CIA. That is, all except for the end glossary and notes which I intend to read later today. I already looked up rezidentura , didn't recall him defining it earlier in the book when I did so, didn't recall it from reading Cold War books many, many years ago, but guess I figured it out from context. * {* I see it’s more for names, acronyms and code names.} Next, there are three things I take or have some issues with. The first is I think obvious and is [REDACTED]. Second, similarly, I have to wonder if [REDACTED]. And third, what the **** is up with [REDACTED]? I feel like I should be doing something but have no idea what. That aside, there is I guess

Above Suspicion, Denial, and Biblical Proportions

Even I can’t imagine it’s possibly true. Or not easily. I’ve been told so many times that it’s all for America’s well-being that it just seems impossible. Couple that with obvious motive and that old saying about screwing with CIA and what happens and you’ve raised more than a shadow of a doubt for me despite it making a whole lot of sense about what happened to me. I’m speaking of Robert Baer’s new book titled The Fourth Man , coming out I think today, specifically about a fourth Russian mole within the intelligence community who was never caught. Someone well- or high-placed. Someone above suspicion. And yet someone who has done grave harm to US security. During the George W. Bush administration, I attended en event sponsored by then-member of Congress Robert Wexler {D-FL}. The subject was impeaching the Vice President of the United States over the illegal invasion of Iraq and other things. Wexler wound up leaving Congress and went to the SPLC. I of course took a slower boat to haras