Part 1 - The Open Government Directive

Right. First we cover what all happened so people can understand why this is important to me and why perhaps by extension it should be important to you. Not because it was me it happened to, though it did, but because it could be you or someone you know any one of these things happen to one day supposes...they can.

0 - September 2009 - Prior to things becoming more obviously the result of spies interfering in my life, our dog had to be put down due to some unknown, incurable condition. Essentially, her white blood cells were eating her red ones.

There were lots of long nights at the vet while the partner was away for work {that's NSA and CIA surveillance contractor but also ad agency Google, or Alphabet, or BigGoogleyBoogleyBrother or whatever it calls itself this week. But then, approximately September 2009, it was just plain yogurt Google, if one likes to think of surveillance valley overlords as kinda slimy. And I do} in California. Caused some emotional and financial strain, but overall things seemed okay after that. We rescued another dog, life goes on. 'Cept not.

1 - Starting December 2009 - Intelligence Apparatus Unknown, main team concentrating themselves in Brooklyn and headed up by person I nicknamed 'Balding,' whom I described as a second-generation traditional, yet somehow crooked-appearing FBI agent, harassed me non-stop at home and then pretended to be recruiting me for something; I don't know, maybe they were. Maybe one agency had had enough of the crap another was doing. For sure, there were at this point some kind of opposing factions, but precisely over what, I'm not sure. January, he showed up at a doctor's appointment, chaos ensued.

2 - January 2010 - While awaiting results from the doctor's office, my partner and I ate at a diner on Lexington Avenue. The wallpaper there was white background with brightly-colored Hanna-Barbera cartoon logos: So Scooby Doo might have been glow-in-the-dark green; Yogi Bear might have been a really bright yellow; John Sipher Is Such A Dick might have been a piercing orange. Hard to recall. The colors I mean. What I recall mostly is that the logos seemed to be falling off the wall and onto our heads. We were seated at a little table, me facing the back with the wall to my right, him facing the front with it to his left. I didn't know what to think. Slipped some kind of mild hallucinogen? I had and still have no personal experience to compare it to. Figured it had to be some mistake. I was just trying to save my relationship and those things that went with it.

3 - February 2010 - During this illegal B.S., that mostly eventually brought to mind COINTELPRO, which was FBI's "Heya, Spike" to CIA's MHCHAOS and MKULTRA since it clearly involved them slipping me some mind-altering substance, my partner one night came home in what appeared to me to be a suicidal state. This was how they got me to let go and the lead to me moving away: The message was clear: They threatened to kill if I refused.

4 - Summer or so 2010 - Now living in Minneapolis, home to the "they learned to take off but not land" thing. FBI, I assume, since they were the ones clearly involved with the bridge boys who were being blackmailed for having protested the GOP National Convention {see here, here and here} tried at least three times to get me to head north to armed, rightwing Militia country. I don't recall all of the suggestions specifically. I do recall thinking I had no reason to go and probably would not emerge alive if I did.

"That's just how we do things. It ain't pretty. Shoot 'em. Leave 'em in the woods. Some folks celebrates their freedoms like thayat. We pertend to be all anti-gubbermint. And we think we are. But we just doin' what they want when they want like the moff-eye-ay done done. Done."

5 - 2011 - My grandmother dies of essentially the same thing that my dog had, meaning someone was trying to make me think it was assassination. A common spy thing--this is why this career is a shitty one, it's about lying mostly--is to change the perceived order of events. They knew my grandmother was ill before the dog died and killed the dog, which is somehow of course justified by Langley lawyers because NEWS FLASH - RULE OF LAW DIED ON 11 SEPTEMBER 2001.

6 - 2011-? - I could go on. But mostly I'd be attempting to explain what insanity is like. The damage, over time, took its toll. I still have something akin to PTSD but different. Suffice it to say I'm sometimes triggered by stuff and then take it out on some of my very favorite cartoon characters until Cold War Dad John Stan Smith Sipher blocked me on Twitter. Years. However, one doesn't just recover from true mental illness either. So maybe it was more about being drugged, or having some time to somewhat recover. Not sure.

Let me be blunt: The idea that either major political party has been, was, is, doing anything approaching oversight, is laughable. The failure level is critical. It's not always easy for others to see, I get that. DoD's/CIA's MINERVA Project, where they bummed out a whole bunch of social website users and then cheered up a bunch of others to study "emotional contagion" would be a great example of how your government views you. This is why I refuse to respect the Joint Chiefs and the CIA: They don't respect us, so f--- them.

This study, by the way, is sometimes brought up regarding Cambridge Analytica. You remember CA, right? Got Trump elected. I know, you thought it was the allegedly paid by the Russkies Hillary actress in a cage in upstate Wyoming or wherever. No. It was Facebook ads. Surveillance Valley.

In fact, I think this might be how certain shows on MSNBC view you as well. Because round one Russiagate and round two Impeachment made bank for Rachel Maddow. Greed knows no end, so why not a round three? Maybe third time's a charm.

But we're getting off topic. This was just to give you a taste of the whacky things that happened, that your government made happen, allowed to happen and no doubt will continue to no matter who is in charge of it. Yes. Yes, even Bernard. BTW, this stuff is what informed my politics; not the other way around. Was an avid Keith Olbermann watcher back in '05 or so. Same liberal stuff as everyone else in Brooklyn.

Apart from these things I'm reasonably certain--understanding that a large part of these kinds of operations would seem to be to confuse the target so they don't know what the f is happening and why, guessing because they saw something the government is afraid will get out. Apart from those, however, I think it possible I've been used in some kind of study and--truly puke-worthy--marketing one time for some e-weapon.

But this is the real point. As much as it pains me to say it, I think maybe Obama came in meaning well. Mind you, from down here on the ground, the difference between him being incompetent, cowardly, or criminal is none at all. It's all the same.

And things haven't been perfect at all under Trump. This is not, to me, about partisanship. This is bipartisan. Send both of these worthless, sell-out, selfish, apocalyptic cult-loving, opportunistic, fascist parties to Hell. Things will never change, and we really can use some ca. 1996 regarding climate change.

So forget all that. All of that above. Wipe it away.

What was the Open Government Directive?

Dick Cheney spent a lot of his time as VP reclassifying documents that were already unclassified. I've forgotten the numbers, but the generation of pages of classified documents by just an agency like CIA is staggering and I mean on a mere monthly basis, if not shorter.

Obama sought to reduce this, to make government more transparent. I like to think in order to, in part, reduce the conspiracy theories about what government does.

Now. Imagine you are CIA upper management, but the part that is career CIA. You don't get to leave after this. You have to stay and deal with the consequences.

Further, you aren't about to release your secrets. Secrets are your power.

But you also cannot not comply with an executive directive.

Imagine you are HAL 9000.

From Wikipedia, because I couldn't write it better:

Dr. Chandra discovers that HAL's crisis was caused by a programming contradiction: he was constructed for "the accurate processing of information without distortion or concealment", yet his orders, directly from Dr. Heywood Floyd at the National Council on Astronautics, required him to keep the discovery of the Monolith TMA-1 a secret for reasons of national security. This contradiction created a "Hofstadter-Moebius loop", reducing HAL to paranoia. Therefore, HAL made the decision to kill the crew, thereby allowing him to obey both his hardwired instructions to report data truthfully and in full, and his orders to keep the monolith a secret. In essence: if the crew were dead, he would no longer have to keep the information secret.
What actually happened inside CIA? Don't know.

What do I think happened? Some kind of rebellion.

Jumping back one more time in history, there was this thing called the Family Jewels. Kind of an odd name for CIA to use given the reason the document was compiled was because young people at CIA had read news articles about some of the really bad stuff {or what they assumed was the worst} and complained up the chain. This resulted in the Director requesting all documentation that officers thought might violate US law. There were a lot more pages than he expected and there are still some that have not been declassified.

Spying on Americans was part of it. As least that's how it's often described. Let's look at what it really meant, though I think these words probably fail to describe the cruelty behind what was done:

Source: Select Committee to Study Government Operations - Book II —Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans, sometimes referred to as the Church/Tower Hearings/Findings

"Spied upon" means having your reputation, your relationships, and your career destroyed.

But back to the point of 2009...what happened? Did CIA have a rebellion? Were there people who wanted more transparency and those who did not? If you were pro-transparency, what would one "legal" way to disseminate some of the things that might go into today's Family Jewels?

One notes there isn't anything like that. In fact, Obama wound up perhaps blackmailing CIA, and another story I think Clinton did it in the 90s as well, over the torture report. CIA killed OBL. Obama supports the false version of events that makes it sound as if torture worked, which it didn't.

Obama gets re-elected in order to save us from boiling to death from climate change, happy ending! Something worth sacrificing it all for I did not see.

But what did...what would the rebels inside CIA do? Who could they safely convey information to, but at the same time was under no compunction or legal requirement to keep his mouth shut? Some kind of non-official sleeper agent type guy. Some mind controlled dupe who didn't even know he had any connection to CIA at all. And who has a really big mouth that gets him into trouble often enough?

Yeah. Maybe this guy.


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